Saturday, September 18, 2010


As I reread my last post, I realized that it was harsh.....almost mean. I didn't mean to offend anyone and I was not "picking" on certain people. As I wrote the post, I was having an emotional breakdown. Please accept my apology. It was never my intention to hurt feelings or to sound like I was going off on the deep end.

I love my friends that are there to support me and I love having people read Leightyn's Lifesong.


  1. I only saw raw emotion sweet friend. We all have breakdowns. You have a great reason to have more than one now and again. I am praying in the middle of those breakdowns you feel God's loving comfort even as your raw heart stings at His embrace.

  2. Don't be sorry. You needed to vent. I was blessed by your post and the fact that you are looking to God for comfort, strength and peace.
    I hurt for you and pray for you, Landon and Mylea every day. We won't forget Leighton, even we that only met her 1 time.
