Sweet Lei Lei....
So many good memories keep coming to my mind today. Fall is here. That means pumpkins, costumes, hayrides, and lots of candy!
You would be shocked to know that we have not carved a single pumpkin this year. Can you believe that? Not a single pumpkin! This time last year (and the year before) you would have already carved 3 or 4 pumpkins. I remember last year we carved some with Grandad, Jo and Uncle Nigel while daddy was at work. We sat out on Jo's patio with Mylea and Macy. I gave you a black marker to draw the pumpkin face that you wanted us to carve for you. It was such a silly face! You thought the pumpkin inners were nasty and really didn't care much about scooping all of it out.
We have two pumpkins sitting on the patio. We just haven't carved them yet. I promise we will get them finished before the weekend!
This morning was costume day at the library. I think about all the past Halloweens. I always started looking in August for the perfect Halloween pair for you and Mylea. My favorite pair was when you were Little Bo Peep and Mylea was a sheep. Actually....my favorite costume was your first Halloween. You were a Tootsie Roll. Every one loved it!!
I remember last year's Halloween. You wanted to be a wolf and Mylea to be Little Red Riding Hood. You only wanted the wolf costume so you could run around howling at people. We dressed up for costume day at the library and you were so excited to howl at your friends. Well, when we got there, things quickly changed. I will never forget the look on your face and the tears in your eyes when you came to me all upset because all of your friends were pretty princess' and you weren't a princess. We left the library and went straight to the store. You ended up being Dorthy with a pig-tail wig and you carried a dog in a basket. You were absolutely adorable! I love my picture of my two blonde haired girls wearing brown wigs.
I couldn't help but wonder if you still would have been Wendy. You wanted Mylea to be Tinkerbell or Peter Pan so that you could be Wendy. I remember you telling me that all I had to do was find a blue dress cause you already had a blue hair bow. Mylea has been asking to be Wendy since you have been gone. But I just didn't think it was right.
Mylea decided to go as Belle. Not that that should really surprise you. I really figured that you would have gone as Belle this year. I know how much yall have loved Belle since meeting her at Disney. Mylea has a wig with curls. She reminds me of you so much!
Tomorrow night is the fall festival at church. You sure did love playing games with all your friends. Last year, the maze that Mr. Mike built was "just awesome!". When I couldn't find you at the games, you could always be found in the maze. Your favorite game was Ms. Brenda's sticky egg game. You had so much fun throwing the egg at the frying plan. Every time I look at the picture of you throwing the eggs, it reminds me how you became the game leader towards the end of the night. You stood with Ms. Brenda and helped other kids play the game and then you gave them candy when they won the game.
It will be hard trick or treating with out you. We will go to Grandad and Jo's party Sunday after church. Their party friends always looked forward to seeing what yall came dressed as. It will be a little different this year.
Do you remember our hayride last year? It was so much fun riding through the neighborhood, unloading and reloading after we knocked on several doors. You were so excited to be the leader of the group. All your "little" (younger) friends had fun following you door to door. I think the adults had as much fun as the kiddos.
As I sit here, I think about all the times you played dress-up. You sure did love to play dress-up! I don't think there was a single day that you did not dress up as something. Well, your sister is the exact same way. She has been a different character every day!
I'm sitting here chuckling in my head. Remember the night (one of the many) that Logan and Laney were here and you were dressed up as Superman and Logan was a princess!!!!! It was hilarious!
Leightyn.....thank you for all the great memories!
I love you babes!
10 years ago